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2024 Tax - Motor Vehicle Travel and Log Books

Posted on 19 June 2024
2024 Tax - Motor Vehicle Travel and Log Books
We would like to ensure that all clients have the right data this year to be able to make a claim using the Cents Per Kilometre method or Log Book Method. It is essential that you keep the correct documentation, please do not hesitate to contact our office if you need to check on any of the details or requirements.  Log Book Flyer

Cents Per Kilometre Method of claiming - limit of 5,000kms per vehicle
Claiming travel under the "Cents Per Kilometre Method” please ensu...

2024 Working From Home Deductions

Posted on 19 June 2024
2024 Working From Home Deductions
The ATO has made changes to the way that working from home deductions can be claimed by eligible taxpayers for the 2024 income year.   If you have genuinely worked from home at any time from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024, you may be eligible to use the ATO’s revised fixed-rate (67 cents per hour) method to claim for: ·       energy expenses (i.e., electricity and gas) for lighting, heating/cooling, and to run electronic items used ...

Superannuation & 2024 Tax

Posted on 14 June 2024
Superannuation & 2024 Tax
  If you want to claim a tax deduction for an end of year super payment, most super funds advise making the payments no later than 23rd June 2024, with some asking it be done by the 19th June 2024.  This is because the payment must be made and processed by the super fund by 30th June 2024 and this ensures that you allow time for bank transfers and for the super fund to put the funds into your account. For businesses using super clearing houses, this may mean processing and paying...

Fringe Benefit Tax

Posted on 28 March 2024
Fringe Benefit Tax
On the 31st March 2024 the current fringe benefits tax year will come to an end.  You will need to note down and advise us of your closing kilometres on any business owned/used vehicles and disclose any private usage of the vehicles or other business assets on the attached form. In cases where an entity has a number of employees or motor vehicles you may be considered an ATO audit target so it's important to track any private usage of business assets or benefits provided and make sur...

ATO 'Online Services for Business' replaces the ATO Business Portal

Posted on 11 March 2024
ATO 'Online Services for Business' replaces the ATO Business Portal
The ATO have advised they have upgraded the Business Portal to the new Online Services for Business. You will now need to use this platform to manage your business tax, super obligations and ATO mail online.  Find out more here: Like the business portal, you’ll need to use myGovID and relationship authorisation manager (RAM) to sign in to online services for business. Online Services for Business can be used to: ...
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AddressUnit 1, 5 Colony Close
Tuggerah NSW 2259


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation