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New Team Member!

Posted on 22 November 2023

As our client base continues to grow so has our team!  

We welcome Lianne to Walters Accountants. Lianne has an extensive administration background along with a Certificate IV in Bookkeeping and Accounting, perfect for her role of Administration / Accounts Assistant.


Changes to Online Services for Businesses - November 2023

Posted on 20 November 2023
Changes to Online Services for Businesses - November 2023
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is taking measures to enhance the security of its online services and protect users against fraud and identity theft. They have introduced a new feature in their Online services for business platform that allows businesses to better manage and control agent access to their tax and super affairs. The new process ensures that only authorised tax agents, BAS agents, or payroll service providers can link to a business's account and access their financial ...

2023 Working From Home Deductions

Posted on 6 April 2023
2023 Working From Home Deductions
The ATO has made changes to the way that working from home deductions can be claimed by eligible taxpayers for the 2023 income year.   If you have genuinely worked from home at any time from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023, you may be eligible to use the ATO’s revised fixed-rate (67 cents per hour) method to claim for: ·       energy expenses (i.e., electricity and gas) for lighting, heating/cooling, and to run electronic items used for work o...

2022 Tax - Motor Vehicle Travel and Log Books

Posted on 7 March 2022
2022 Tax - Motor Vehicle Travel and Log Books
In the 2022 (current) tax year with all the changes in travel Covid has caused, the ATO has advised that it is going to be focused on deduction claims for Motor Vehicle Travel and review Motor Vehicle Log Books.

We would like to ensure that all clients have the right data this year to be able to make a claim using the Cents Per Kilometre method or Log Book Method. It is essential that you keep the correct documentation, please do not hesitate to contact our office if you need to check o...

What information do you need to lodge to the ato and what documentation do I need to keep?

Posted on 22 August 2020
What information do you need to lodge to the ato and what documentation do I need to keep?
The short answer is talk to your Accountant and Tax Agent to get it right for your particular situation and absolutely everything that has anything to do with your business and tax.  One of the most common concerns for both Individuals and Business alike is failing to lodge the correct information to the ATO or not being fully aware of the documents that they must retain to make sure that their claims are valid in case of Audit. We have seen this concern develop further over the last fe...
Posted in:ATOTax Return  

AddressUnit 1, 5 Colony Close
Tuggerah NSW 2259


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